Monday, April 27, 2009

checking out the maternity ward

is a little scary.
Both Andy and I had deer-in-the-headlights looks on our faces because actually being in the hospital, and pressing the button to be admitted into the room, and looking at the birthing room with the weird bed, and the surgery room with the weird equipment, and being told way too much information, and filling out your son's birth certificate, is all a little overwhelming.

I was scared the second I sat in one of the recovery rooms with a nurse to fill out paper work. Andy was scared the second he was in the birthing room, which I understand, because actually thinking about watching your spouse go through pain, while being told how it is your job to go get me jello and sprite, and how you can sleep on the fold-out couch in the room (all while praying that the baby doesn't come until you've finished your thesis), must be a little freaky. The nurse even showed us how they dim the lights once mommy (me in this case) begins to push. Why then I wonder? I thought it was the part of labor right before pushing that was the worst.

Anyway, I'm sure no trip to the hospital will quite be like the one today. We'll probably both be scared when we actually go, but, I hope, not quite so scared.

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