Friday, March 16, 2007


I'm reading a wonderful book titled "Desiring God." I'll tell ya'll all about it tonight. Unless Andy decides to take me on a hot date, but that's not likely b/c he stayed up late last night (I think he forgot his good study skills over the Christmas break) studying for an exam and we have to get up early to play music with the Hills. Who are they? Well, I'll tell you all about that too -- later.
I'm still fundraising for Africa. So, if you did feel lead to donate money then please do so soon. If you felt lead to donate other items I'll pick them up as soon as I'm able, you have until I leave July 5th to gather those. Thank you to all!
For everyone who is praying for my friends' baby, Keira, I'll let you know when the parents blog more about her.
Have a fantastic weekend. ;)
Oh yeah, and I went to see Man of La Mancha (loosely about Cervantes/Don Quixote)last Sunday -- Sancho was absolutely wonderful!


Justin Gottlieb said...

looking forward to the Desiring God post!!! Of course, I'm stoked anytime anyone wants to discuss John Piper.

EmilyAnne said...

I'll be your huckleberry.

EmilyAnne said...

Okay, since Andy didn't know what I meant by that I'm assuming some others might not either and I don't want people to think I was making a leud comment to Justin.

It is a quote from the movie Tombstone and it basically means I'll be your partner in ____, in this case it meant I'll participate with you in a discussion about Piper. ;)

EmilyAnne said...

I meant leWd

EmilyAnne said...

I meant leWd

Justin Gottlieb said...

i was totally tracking with on the Tombstone quote.

so are you still digging "Desiring God?" Piper's way of thinking totally shifted my faith in a great way.