Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Random Top 5 Lists

Here's a post for top 5 lists only. Feel free to add your own!
We'll edit these as we go along or as our tastes change.

Top 5 foods:
E: Rosemary and Olive oil triscuits with sharp cheddar cheese, nectarine, cookies and cream Blue Bell ice cream, spicy stir fry, spicy Mexican food "with lots of cheese and onions and a guacamole salad" (Robert Earl Keen)
A: biscuits and gravy, honey, pizza from that place in the Richardson square mall, gummy bears, banana pudding

Top 5 past times:
E: reading, archery, canoeing, gardening, baking
A: birding, canoeing, hiking, playing the drums, herping

Top 5 authors:
E: Diana Wynne Jones, Ursula K. LeGuin, one I won't admit to people but the man is hilarious, C. S. Lewis, and a spot open for an author I haven't thought of yet...
A: I don't know.

Top 5 birds:
E: Barred Owl, Tufted Titmouse, American Goldfinch, Scissor tailed flycatcher, Rose breasted Grosbeak.
A: brown headed nuthatch, American Kestrel, Loggerhead Shrike, Cerulean Warbler, Wood Thrush

Top 5 plants:
E: Tulip Poplar, day lilies, wood violets, willow oaks, hydrangea
A: Moors delphinium, Pawpaw, Carolina Moonseed, Northern Red Oak, Alder

Top 5 smells:
E: tomato plants, sea, babies, cut grass, rosemary
A: cut grass, lake smell, Emily's cooking, outside before a rain, the forest

Top 5 games:
E: spades, hearts, tag,

Top 5 fruits:
E: nectarine, pear, pink lady apples, blueberries, pineapple
A: oranges, grapes, cherries, pears, nectarines

Top 5 most enjoyed books:
E: "Till we have Faces,""Fire and Hemlock," the Earthsea series, the His Dark Materials trilogy, and maybe "Alias Grace"
A: "Into the Wild," "Dune," "Peterson's Field Guide to Birds: Eastern Region," "A Generous Orthodoxy," Lord of the Rings trilogy

Top 5 misc:
E: fireworks, nail polish, old Tshirts, my pillow (my Mema gave it to me at least seven years ago and she said it was one of my great grandmother's pillows - it's still going on strong!), puppies
A: the Wood Thrush's song, banana pudding, turtles, tree bark, smelling different kinds of leaves in the forest

Top 5 movies:
E: Elf, Napoleon Dynamite, Emperor's New Groove, The Village, Shadowlands
A: Band of Brothers, Napoleon Dynamite,

Top 5 pets:
E: Daphne our boxer, "Otto" the one eyed Otto fish, Daisy the silky terrier I had as a kid, Vincent my huge white cat I had as a teenager, Wally the snapping turtle I had for a day.
A: Daphne, Atlas our map turtle, Skippy, Popeye the Iguana

Top 5 ice cream flavors:
E: peppermint, vanilla bean, cookies and cream, chocolate malt, moolineum crunch
A: chocolate, cookies and cream, Neapolitan, mint choc chip, strawberry

Top 5 Songs:
E: Come Thou Fount of every Blessing, Judy Garland's "Bei mir bist du schoen,"
A: I'm bad Nationwide, Sweet River Roll

Top 5 drinks:
E: Irish cream latte, iced tea, real lemonade, rootbeer, tahitian treat or any other fruit soda besides strawberry (ick!)
A: Caffe Latte, Coke, milk, orange juice, Dr. Thunder!

Top 5 colors:
E: grey green, tawny brown, blue green, orange, rusty red
A: green, blue, brown.

Top 5 things to grab if our house was on fire (not including Daphne):
E: the Bible Andy gave me on our wedding day, my Swiss Army watch (also a gift from Andy), my Baby Taylor from my Dad, my wedding photo album, a necklace that Mema gave me that belonged to Nany
A: binoculars & Emily.

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